I saw the Reeves case being reported on Rebel by Avi with an interview. It was so good that the police were censured. It was talked about on Sky too. Apparently in the case of the fellow whose head was slammed into the floor at the railway station, the policeman was exonerated and the victim is a vegetable in a nursing home. I hope the compilation of incidents that Outsiders show is preserved for posterity. We need to see it regularly so we don’t forget.

The attempted erasure of our lived experience is the worst part of the period. I was shocked that Greg Hunt was allowed to get away with assuming no responsibility for his actions at the Covid enquiry and that the Liberal apologists on Sky just fudged over his responsibility for not doing his job properly. After all he unleashed the ‘vaccines ‘ on us - one of which is now withdrawn after the creators wrote a book and received honours. We must not forget.

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This is a disturbing but hardly surprising development that the ABC and The Age are trying to suppress the collective insanity of the Covid lockdowns. Shocking stuff from familiar media activists! If you watch a recent movie on the internet called "The Fall Of Minneapolis" you will see from the suppressed police body cam footage revealed in that movie that the jury was not allowed to see at the time of the trial that Floyd was not actually a victim of police brutality as is often depicted, and the man who is currently languishing in jail is likely to be entirely innocent due to a hopelessly corrupted trial. This is particularly relevant with the corrupt trial that is currently going on in New York taking place around the same time in the US election cycle as the Floyd incident in the 2020 election. After watching that movie I don't think it's right to say that Floyd was "murdered" and the incident that sparked mass BLM rioting across the US was actually based on another myth fomented by the corrupt Democratic Party and their allies in the US justice system. The autopsy report which the film shows was tampered with at the time of the trial revealed that Floyd died because of 3 factors - 1) a well-documented weak heart 2) ingestion of a lethal amount of narcotics a the time of his arrest and 3) increased stress at the time of his arrest exacerbated by the combination of the above two factors. There was no finding that any injury was caused by the police restraint technique which the convicted policeman was trained to use. What the Floyd case now appears to be is actually a miscarriage of justice.

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Perhaps the most blatant current example is the proposed Canadian "Online Harms Act."

As Matt Taibbi warns in Racket News (https://www.racket.news/p/blame-canada-justin-trudeau-creates?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email):

"The purview of the Online Harms Act extends far beyond speech, reimagining society as a mandated social engineering project, creating transformational new procedures that would:

* enlist Canada’s citizens in an ambitious social monitoring system, with rewards of up to $20,000 for anonymous “informants” of hateful behavior, with the guilty paying penalties up to $50,000, creating a self-funded national spying system;

* introduce extraordinary criminal penalties, including life in prison not just for existing crimes like “advocating genocide,” but for any “offence motivated by hatred,” in theory any non-criminal offense, as tiny as littering, committed with hateful intent;

* punish Minority Report pre-crime, where if an informant convinces a judge you “willcommit” a hate offense, you can be jailed up to a year, put under house arrest, have firearms seized, or be forced into drug/alcohol testing, all for things you haven’t done;

* penalize past statements. The law gets around prohibitions against “retroactive” punishment by calling the offense “continuous communication” of hate, i.e. the crime is your failure to take down bad speech;

* force corporate Internet platforms to remove “harmful content” virtually on demand (within 24 hours in some cases), the hammer being fines of “up to 6% of… gross global revenue.”

Things you’re saying, things you’ve already said, things an administrative judge thinks you might say, all barred, with neighbors deputized as enforcers? Good times. Leave it to Trudeau, a frequent trailblazer in new forms of illiberalism in the digital age, to come up with this quantum leap downward on the rights front. C-63 is a Frankenstein’s Monster combining the worst censorship ideas already deployed by supposed ally government-in-laws like Europe’s Digital Services Act, Australia’s updated Australian Communications and Media Authority Act (ACMA), and Scotland’s Hate Crime and Public Order Act, which saw 7,152 complaints in its first week when the law took effect last month."

Make no mistake, this is coming soon to us.

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The question that always comes to my mind is ‘how to push back!’ Analysis of the problem is of course the first essential step. Then ensuring people know! But then what?

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Thank you so much for the rational and professional work you do

I look forward to your publications and read every word.

My hope for our bleak future is that people such as you keep the freedom flame alive

Geoff Bell Dwellingup WA

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It’s madness. A black criminal dies in the US & the Anglo world goes crazy. Even the UK where police are unarmed and there is no suggestion of any anti-black bias. Some girl has her hijab allegedly tugged in Canada, same. Three days of global outrage in the formerly Christian West. Yet ethnically cleanse Nagorno-Karabakh with a fair dinkum genocide and there’s nothing. Christians killed en-mass in Nigeria? Crickets. Everyone is completely brainwashed.

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May 14·edited May 14

John - excellent stuff as usual.

The "covid group" that myself and some friends assembled early in 2020, when we could see how ridiculous things were going to get, have never forgotten and are still exchanging messages, articles and papers every day showing the huge damage these "safe and effective" concoctions have wrought, and the idiocy of the "climate change" madness etc.

Many simply will not hear it, but I keep telling them - I am forwarding this to various of them...

Hundreds of billions were completely wasted, countless lives ruined or changed forever, and more importantly, the bar has been set for the next time a supposed scamdemic appears.

We urgently need to have a mass clean out of the criminals in our bureaucracy and politics and have their files marked, "never to be employed again" or secure them behind bars so they can never again so wreck our country. .

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